In my mind, in the Castle where I am the King

Recently my 15+ year old AirPort Express decided to stop working. This is was a dissapointment as this device is actually amazing at streaming high quality audio from iTunes via Airplay (I use it over a wired connection).

AirPort Express 1st Gen

Some investigation learned that a common failure with these devices is a broken power supply, so time to crack open the well sealed case. Some people on the internet use a Dremel-tool, but a screwdriver and a hammer did the trick for me (be careful though as there is some wiring that might get damaged if you go in too hard :-).

(Now definitely) broken power supply

The power supply seems to provide 3.3V and 5V DC. It has 3 wires towards the logic board:

  • Orange: 3.3V
  • Red: 5V
  • Black: GND

To check if the logic board was still ok, I first used my lab power supply. This also allowed me to see how much current the AirPort Express is pulling when streaming audio to my Amplifier.

Since I do not like messing with 220V, I decided to use an off-the-shelf breadboard power supply. These are very cheap; I got one for Euro 2.25 from Kiwi Electronics.

To fit it inside the AirPort Express case, I had to desolder the pin-headers on the bottom of the board. I also removed the pin-headers top center, to directly connect the 3 wires from the AirPort Express logic board.

With some isolation- and duct-tape the result looks as follows:

The breadboard power supply needs a standard DC power adapter providing 6-12V DC.
I used a 6V, 1000mA one I had lying arround.

Standard 6V DC powerbrick

This fix worked for me; your milage may vary….
Happy iTunes music streaming 🙂

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